Family Train Day

Family Train Day

May 12, 2018 @ 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Goleta/Santa Barbara Amtrak Stations
209 State St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Joanna Kaufman

Enjoy a carfree day at Carpinteria State Beach with COAST and friends!

Avoid the hassle of traffic and parking by taking a ride on the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner from either the Goleta or the Santa Barbara Amtrak Station down to the Carpinteria Station. We will then take a brief walk down to Carpinteria State Beach for a picnic. COAST will provide food, drink, and fun transportation related activities as we enjoy a carfree afternoon at the beach.

First 20 RSVPs will get a free round trip ticket! After meeting the free ticket cap roundtrip train ride will be $6 per person.

This event is made possible by a sponsorship from Santa Barbara Car Free.

For information or to RSVP email Joanna Kaufman, COAST ProgramDirector, 


12:35 PM – Train departs Goleta.
12:49 PM – Train departs Santa Barbara
1:02 PM – Train arrives in Carpinteria
2:43 PM – Train departs Carpinteria
3:01 PM – Train arrives in Santa Barbara
3:14 PM – Train arrives in Goleta