- Our Safe Routes to School project: this year expanding to even more schools in Goleta and Carpinteria, we provide education and fun activities to promote walking and biking to schools. We regularly distribute free to low-cost helmets at elementary schools, provide bike education workshops (“bike rodeos”), pedestrian safety workshops, and advocate for improved infrastructure around schools. We also promote Walk and Bike to School Day, where teachers, parents, and students walk, bike, scooter, and skateboard to school! Our Safe Routes to School program has reminded parents and kids: it’s cool to walk and bike to school!
- Our Eastside Walks project is a grassroots movement to empower the Eastside community to make lasting changes to make their neighborhood a safer place to walk. We’ve been campaigning heavily for improvements to Milpas, bringing the issues to the Eastside community and encouraging them to speak up for their needs in the political process. We’ve also worked to improve lighting throughout the Eastside, with new streetlights to be installed soon. We are also campaigning for improvements on Salinas St.
- Our ASERT program works to improve public transportation options for commuters in between Oxnard, Ventura, and Santa Barbara. This has been very successful, connecting bus riders with Gold Coast, VCTC, and Ventura officials to speak up for their needs and to encourage them to provide consistent, reliable transportation.
- Happy Hours and informative General Meetings with timely and informative guests speakers downtown each month. Happy Hours are the second Thursday of every month at 5pm at El Paseo Restaurant, General Meetings are the second Wednesday of every month from 12pm-1:15pm at 15 E. Carrillo
- COAST’s Walking Wednesdays tours is how COAST promotes fun and safe walking in Santa Barbara! COAST is kicking off its Walking Wednesday tours starting on March 28. These monthly walking tours, free and open to the public, are the fourth Wednesday every month and feature a different theme and speaker every month. On Wednesday, March 28th we will be meeting at the Santa Barbara Courthouse at 5:30 for a tour of Downtown Santa Barbara architecture, with noted Harrison Design Associates architect, Anthony Grumbine. In the past Walking Wednesdays has had a number of different themed walks; from botany to creeks to green architecture and public art. This year the program plans to explore more aspects of Santa Barbara that have not been discovered: affordable housing, great gardens and landscape projects, sustainability projects, and more! For a full calendar of Walking Wednesday events, please visit www.coast-santabarbara.org and check often for updates!